Sunday, November 23, 2008

Basketball and Life

I was sitting at my daughter's high school basketball game a couple of days ago, and I started thinking about "things". Our team wasn't doing so well...we were down by about 20 points. The thought came into my mind that life is a lot like a basketball game. Before the game began, everyone was all excited and pumped up to play. The music was loud, the energy level was high, the attitudes were all positive...we were going to win! No doubt about it! Things were great until the other team scored, and scored , and scored again. Wow...all of a sudden things weren't so "for sure". What we thought was going to be a fairly easy victory, suddenly wasn't anymore. Our team ended up losing the game by quite a few points. Spirits were down and that positive energy that was there in the beginning wasn't there anymore. We all felt bad for a few hours or a day or two, but then things got back to normal and everybody is ok. Life goes on. There will be another game to play on another day, and our attitudes will be positive again and the energy will be high.

This just reminds me so much of my life lately. Ups and downs, high energy and no energy, positive attitude and negative attitude. Maybe nothing is how I imagined it would be, but I am hanging in there and everything is turning out ok. Maybe I don't feel like I'm winning at the game of life all the time, but today ends and there is always tomorrow to start over with a new attitude and renewed hope.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Great thought! Thank you. A positive attitude really works wonders.

Life is definitely a roller coaster ride, or a basketball season, whichever fits the best. :-)